J.C. Ryle

"When a man’s heart is cold and unconcerned about religion – when his hands are never employed in doing God’s work – when his feet are not familiar with God’s ways – when his tongue is seldom or never used in prayer and praise – when his eyes are blind to the beauty of the kingdom of heaven – when his mind is full of the world, and has no room for spiritual things – when these marks are to be found in a man the word of the Bible is the right word to use about him, and that word is, ‘Dead.’”

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"I" Witness

Well, where have I been? Fishing I guess you could say!

I haven't posted in a while which was not my intention. But I did want to update a little about what has been going on. I had mentioned in my post about Celebrate Freedom that I was going to be doing witnessing and counseling at the event this year. This event took place this weekend and I am attaching what I wrote on another website about the event here. I also am doing it a little backwards since I hoped to write a post on why I am doing this, which is still to come. (The $MDB that I am talking about in this post are gospel tracts....it is a million dollar bill tract with a gospel message on the back. When I refer to the Law I mean the Ten Commandments). Here is the account of my day:

A local Christian radio station hosts Celebrate Freedom every year, which is the largest, free outdoor concert in the nation. It is held at Southfork Ranch (yes, where the tv show Dallas was filmed!). This year it was a two-day event and I decided to go out on Saturday. I had never been and decided that I would sign up to be a decision counselor with the intent of bringing the decision makers through the Law. Funny how things don't turn out quite the way you expected!

While it would usually take me a little over 30 minutes to get there, I got a little turned around and ended up getting there after about an hour and 10 minutes because the traffic was horrible. Then, because it has been raining here for months most of the parking was closed so I had to travel two miles away to find parking. Then I had to wait for a shuttle to take me back to the event. While waiting for this shuttle, which was about an hour wait, it started to pour down rain, with horrible lighting. I almost went back to my car to go home. I had already had enough! But then I remembered why I was doing this and that we are supposed to be like the mailman, delivering the news in rain, sleet, hail, no matter what. So I pressed on. While in line I began handing out $MDB. A few Hispanics were behind me and I passed them all around. Two hours later I finally arrived at the event. I could not believe what I saw....thick mud, everywhere! Everybody was covered in mud from head to toe. I knew I was in for a treat. When it came time to "counsel" I began to make my way through the slush. I waited for people to raise their hands and got ready to charge in. A lady raised her hand so I went over and asked if she raised her hand to accept Christ. She said no, that she was just excited and had raised her hand. I quickly moved away to look for someone else (but in hindsight probably should have stayed with her). Everyone was busy with other counselors, including the Hispanics that I had given the $MDB in the shuttle line! I couldn't believe it. But I did hope that by reading the $MDB that something had been sparked in them. I was so heart broken, but hoped that some hearts had actually been opened. I headed back to wait in the shuttle line again to get back to my car.

In the line again I handed out the rest of my $MDB. This sparked a conversation with a small group that had seen a few of the Way of the Master shows. I told them what I was doing and why I was out there. They listened intently and I think were very encouraged. One fellow who was with his youth group said he was going to go home and look at the websites. He was very excited. So, I gave him half of my stack of "Are you good enough..." tracts and all of my blue/pink optical illusion cards so he could take back to his youth group. On the shuttle bus I sat with Pat who was disappointed with the concerts. He said there was too much talking and not enough music. I gave him a "are you good enough...." tract. He then told me that he was unequally yoked with his wife and that she wasn't a Christian. I felt that, as a female, I shouldn't get involved in a lengthy conversation with him at that point but suggested he read the tract and perhaps leave it laying around for his wife. I hope he did. All in all I passed out about 65 $MDB along with the others that I had given away to the church member. I was disappointed that I hadn't been able to engage in any "earth shattering" conversations but pray that the Lord is working in hearts. Oh, and my shoes and socks were ruined! Pressing on!


Lisa Smith said...

I bet the farmer that planted the seeds was muddy too.

babarcat said...

I can imagine Southfork after two months of continuous rain. Doesn't sound like it affected turnout. Erina