J.C. Ryle

"When a man’s heart is cold and unconcerned about religion – when his hands are never employed in doing God’s work – when his feet are not familiar with God’s ways – when his tongue is seldom or never used in prayer and praise – when his eyes are blind to the beauty of the kingdom of heaven – when his mind is full of the world, and has no room for spiritual things – when these marks are to be found in a man the word of the Bible is the right word to use about him, and that word is, ‘Dead.’”

Friday, May 4, 2007


I've been tagged!

In the blogging world this means that I'm it.

I am now supposed to tell you ten things about myself that you don't know, or might find interesting about me, or a combination of both. Is that right? Anyway, I think this will be a challenge for me. After I tell my interesting tidbits then I am supposed to tag ten other people. That will be the hardest part as none of my friends or family has blogs. What is with that? What is wrong with you people? What scares me more is that I am probably going to have to email some of you to let you know that you are tagged. Hum, wonder if that is breaking the rules.

Well, here goes:

10) When I was growing up I lived on a farm in East Texas. I had to milk the cows before and after school -- well one cow. I would get up at 5 AM to do this. One morning my cow wasn't cooperating. I was frustrated with this cow. So, I bit her on the ear. I'm not kidding. I bit her. You should have seen the look of surprise on my face.

9) I've owned and driven five cars in my life. In about one more month it'll be number six. I think that is a lot. I drove a small Chevy truck when I was in high school. Then a Geo Spectrum (don't ask), a Honda Accord, and lately two Honda Odysseys. Death to the mini-van!

8) I love Sonic. I love it so much I go everyday. I can't start my day unless I have a 99 cent, huge 44 ounce foam cup in my hand. In fact, I've actually thought about writing a blog about my Sonic obsession. You would probably be surprised what I get to drink at Sonic. I'm not going to tell you! Maybe I will write a blog about it. You will just have to find that out later.

7) I absolutely detest unloading the dishwasher. I would rather be doing anything else than that. I can't even get my kids to do it. Guess they hate it too. I think that is going to have to change. I think the long arm of the law is going to have to come down on that one.

6) On the other hand, I absolutely love to load the dishwasher. The thought of all those dirty things getting clean is really a fantastic feeling. Come to think of it, I also like to hear the dishwasher running. And the longer the better. No speed cycles for me. Seriously! SHHH! Don't tell the 'save the water' folks.

5) Like my friend Lisa, I also really love crime shows. I think it must be that investigative journalistic mind that emerges every now and then. Who done it? Law and Order: Criminal Intent is my favorite one. But even more than crime shows I love science fiction best. I was a huge X-Files fan and will watch any and all reruns of it. I also like any kind of good vs. evil movie like all the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Did you know that George Lucas produced Star Wars so young people would seek after God? Luke, stay away from the dark side.

4) And now for something quirky. I have a shoe fetish. No, not that I love to buy shoes. I must be wearing shoes. I never like to go barefoot unless I'm at the beach standing in the sand or I'm in the shower (otherwise, shoes must be on my feet at all times). Preferably with socks.

3) I picked both of my kids names when I was in high school. Yep. No joking. I'm still amazed by it.

2) For some reason, I add numbers together. If I pass a sign with numbers on it like the speed limit or a mile marker I will add the numbers together. Like speed limit 45...4+5=9. Mile marker 192...1+9+2=12. Don't even ask. I can't explain it!

1) I'm so glad that I know there is more required for eternal life than just saying a Christian sinner's prayer. By grace I have repented and I am born again.

And now who to tag. Since most (all of you) don't have a blog, well, you are still going to have to do it. Just answer in the comment section at the end of this post. You can keep it short. Don't be party poopers!

Tag list: (Tag list removed by Editor)


Lisa Smith said...

Yaaay Renee!

Cows, seriously?

Renee said...

Yea, and chickens too. Nothing like fresh milk and eggs though.

Lisa Smith said...

I'm waiting for the Sonic story. I drink water in a large cup. Sure way to get your 64 oz. Drink two.

Renee said...

Erina --
Hey since you are the only one I heard from who was going to play this game after your finals then I guess I will let you off the hook. You can still do it if you want but it doesn't look like anyone else is going to respond. Thanks for playing -- or at least saying you were. The rest are party poopers!

babarcat said...

Renee, I'm still going to do it - it's hard though to think of 10 things. I'm working on it. Happy Mother's Day!

babarcat said...

O.K. Very hard task but I did manage to come up with 10.

1. I have lived in 12 cities in my short 35 years. Naha, Okinawa, Japan, Ft. Knox, KY, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, Evergreen Park, IL, St. Petersburg, FL, Tallahassee, FL, Bradenton, FL, Plano, TX, Frisco, TX, Gainesville, FL, Odenton, MD, Abingdon, MD.

2. I did not know the gender of my 3 children until their birth.

3. The entire time my husband and I dated we lived in separate cities – 2 ½ hrs. from each other.

4. The quickest way to get me out of a room is to open a can of peas. Yuck!

5. Although I am half-Japanese, I can’t speak the language. I have had 3 separate tries as an adult to learn it and I just can’t keep up the interest.

6. My first name is not a variation of Erin like you would think – it is actually Japanese. My mother “made it up” so it had a Japanese meaning but sounded American. It means ‘beautiful picture.’

7. I cannot drive a manual shift vehicle and I refuse to learn.

8. Although I lived in FL for half of my life I would rather do most anything but go to the beach. My husband is the same way.

9. I was baptized when I was 20 yrs. old. My pastor baptized me in between Christmas services that year.

10. I never had a pet growing up. My first pet was a cat when I was 23 yrs. old. Cornfed is 15 yrs. old and still hangin’ in there.

Renee said...

Thanks girl...you are a trooper!! What kind of peas don't you like? I love purple hull and black eyed peas but despise English peas...yuck! And, I love your name. Very unique!

Anonymous said...

Ok Renee, I am feeling guilty for not answering the 10 things thing, so better late than never huh??
Do these really have to be interesting?

1. Although I have lived in Texas for almost 20 years of my 36, I was born in Norman Oklahoma and still consider myself Sooner Born and Sooner Bred! When people say where are you from, I always say well, I was born in Oklahoma ...

2. I am the proud OWNER of a 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee - OWNER - I actually paid off the note on a car AND am keeping it! I have had about 4 or 5 cars previously and never actually owned a car before this one - I feel OLD!!!!

3. The first dream goal of my life that I actually realized was when I bought a small sailboat with a bonus I received from work one summer. I love sailing and I absolutely LOVED that boat. I loved swabbing the deck, hanging out with friends on it (even when there wasn't any wind) and being with my husband on weekend trips just the two of us. Those moments of just he and I sailing over the lake with the wind and water and no other sounds is my "happy place."

4. I LOVE to read Nora Roberts books. I love to read almost anything, but Nora Roberts is my favorite storyteller. She captures me on the first page.

5. I am still dumbfounded that I have been blessed, charged and gifted with two amazing children. I HAVE KIDS. I still don't believe it. They are now 5 (girl) and 4 (boy) and changing/growing daily and I still look at them and think - how in the world did you get here and how in the world am I going to teach you everything you need to know in time. Oh yea, that's right - GOD IS IN CONTROL - whew - keep focused Michelle!

6. I love food. I am definitely an emotional eater - I eat at all happy occassions and love a good party!! I want to eat comfort foods when I am down or stressed. Snickers Ice Cream Bars are really a wonderful thing.

7. I am blessed with the greatest depth of friends!!! I love my friends and love the gift of them. Each one provides me something different, special and unique!

8. I LOVE TO DANCE - two-step/jitterbug - whatever with my husband. I can't dance with anyone else in the world like I dance with him. I take it that we were MEANT TO BE - I fell in love with him on the dance floor and he always takes me back to that moment when we go dancing even now.

9. I was/am a band geek. Flute since 6th grade. I wasn't ever really good at it, but I was really in it for "social reasons" I was the girl who always got in trouble for talking too much (go figure) and smacking my gum (totally against the rules) during band.

10. I have been a legal assistant for 17 years. Ugh. I feel totally OLD again!! I was so lucky to get a job when I was 19 with a large firm and learned so much, and now still love my job (most days!). I feel blessed that I am working doing something I really like surrounded by really good people. (I am lucky I actually work for NICE attorneys). I work close to home and they let me take off for every "kid event" I need to attend with my kids. It's GREAT!!!!

Renee said...

Michelle- Wow! I actually had so much fun reading that. Glad you own your car now -- probably what I need to do too! Love ya!