J.C. Ryle

"When a man’s heart is cold and unconcerned about religion – when his hands are never employed in doing God’s work – when his feet are not familiar with God’s ways – when his tongue is seldom or never used in prayer and praise – when his eyes are blind to the beauty of the kingdom of heaven – when his mind is full of the world, and has no room for spiritual things – when these marks are to be found in a man the word of the Bible is the right word to use about him, and that word is, ‘Dead.’”

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Real Self-Esteem

NOTE: This is a repost of one of my favorite posts in 2008. If you haven't seen it take a moment to watch it.

Blessings to all of you in this new year! May we continue to seek after our Lord and Savior and to hit the pavement to bring the lost to Him in 2009.

You have probably guessed by now that I am a fan of Paul Washer -- I should say that I am more of a fan of the truth. When I listen to Paul preach my eyes are wide open and my mouth is SHUT.

This video is approximately 7 minutes.

I dare you to watch all of it.

1 comment:

Lisa Smith said...

Renee--You know me so well...I can't sit still to watch a video. At least this makes me "normal". I will try to listen as I fix dinner.

Your grocery store story is awesome. It's amazing how God can use us when we're willing. I am praying for all those you encounter daily.

love you!